
03rd June, 2020

Subject: Bright Kids Foundation – 3rd Newsletter

Dear BKF Donors,

Thank you so much for your generous donation which aids our mission and gives a child the opportunity to discover the world of education.

At the onset of this email, let us first extend heartfelt thanks and gratitude for helping us with your generous donations in the year 2019, courtesy of which we were able to start Bright Kids Foundation’s (BKF) biggest project – SWD (School With A Difference) at Poinsur Village, Kandivali East, Mumbai on 5th Sept,2019. Since then SWD is running successfully with an expanding “waitlist” for the next academic year.

Please see the link below of ‘Bright Kids Foundation’s second Annual Report that sheds light on all the stories, photos, how this SWD was envisaged, commissioned and how it operates with dedicated and strenuous efforts of our BKF & SWD trustees, staff and volunteers. Also see below YouTube video link of BKF SWD that depicts what we do differently. Please subscribe to our Bright Kids Foundation’s YouTube channel.

Kindly play the video below of the activities done.

Click here to view our Our Second Annual Progress Report – 2019

We hope you derive immense pride and contentment, realizing your hard-earned money is utilized properly. Yes, you have blessed a new lease of lives to 93 new SWD students and 22 new Project Bright Kids students.

The Annual reports mentions the next stages of growth and plans to take BKF to the next level of philanthropy and largesse in order to enable more and more underrated talents to shine and prosper so we join in the nation’s progress. In addition to extending SWD & sponsorship facility to many more students, one of the important project that BKF will focus in 2020 is to join in the ‘Khelo India Movement’ by shortlisting the talented kids from underprivileged background & providing sports related training for them.

All updates about BKF & SWD are regularly released on Facebook and Instagram, so please follow our pages and handles.


We appreciate your continuous support and commitment to Bright Kids Foundation for the current year 2020.

Warmest regards and our heartfelt thanks,
Team Bright Kids Foundation

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