Project Bright Kids

Project Details
The aim of this project is to send underprivileged children to school whose families cannot afford to send their kids to school yet who are bright, earnest and eager to study and prosper. We select students who hail from economically backward family and whose family source of income is in the range of Rs.15,000/- per month.
Project Bright Kids History
1st Year- Academic year 2018-19:
We sponsored 45 students from Mumbai, Chennai, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh.
Thanks for CSR funding from CAMS (Computer Age Management Services Ltd) & Individual Donors
2nd Year- Academic year 2019-20:
We sponsored 35 students from Mumbai & Chennai.
Thanks for CSR funding from Saraswat Bank & Individual Donors
3rd Year- Academic year 2020-21:
We sponsored 44 students from Mumbai & Chennai.
Thanks for donations from Individuals
4th Year- Academic year 2021-22:
We sponsored 118 students from Mumbai & Chennai
Thanks for CSR funding from Synechron Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
5th Year- Academic year 2022-23:
We sponsored 100 students from Mumbai & Chennai
Thanks for CSR funding from Synechron Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Furthermore, under this project we also fund essentials that the child needs such as school bags, stationery, raincoats, school uniform etc. We strive to make education accessible in every way possible to our Bright kids. Our efforts are not going to vain as we observe that these students are faring well in their academic and personal life.
For more details please refer to year-wise Annual reports available in the link below
Annual Reports